Status Recruiting
ATORG is undertaking a comprehensive molecular profiling of “actionable” alterations in lung cancer specimens in order to determine the prevalence of each genetic subtype. These mutations are screened using the Oncomine Focus Assay, where 52 genetic alterations – including hotspots, single nucleotide variants, indels, CNVs, and gene fusions – may be detected in a single workflow.
In addition, relevant baseline clinical characteristics are collated e.g. patient demographics, smoking history, number of lines of therapy, as well as outcomes including access to targeted therapies, immune checkpoint inhibitors and overall survival. Through comprehensive annotation of clinical-pathological-molecular characteristics, this study will provide a means to rationalize the application of diagnostic tests, as well as identify prognostic and predictive factors in the treatment of Asian lung cancers.
ATORG001 – Molecular Profiling Project has also initiated a Virtual Molecular Tumour Board which aims to improve physician interpretation and understanding of NGS reports, and facilitate enrolment on clinical trials or access to targeted therapies for rare molecular subtypes. The virtual multidisciplinary molecular tumour board has been organised quarterly ever since the first session held in April 2020.
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